beaver moon . . .
should you fall
as we all often do . . .
hands will reach out
to help you . . .
the moon has no phone
nor computer it's true
but we all look up to you
and wait for clues
your energy and beauty . . .
as you rise in the sky
I wish you could hear us . . .
and sense our smiles
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Taken on Friday November 24, 2023
Posted on Saturday January 6, 2024
- 100 visits
- 12 people like
Keith Burton said:
I love the moon and the silhouetted trees.......and the colour palette. Lovely words too.
beverley replied to Keith Burton:
but this was the day before the full Beaver Moon, I was lucky to
capture it . . thanks so much . . I'm pleased you like this and also
the words . . many thanks !
cammino said:
beverley replied to cammino:
reading the poem !
sea-herdorf said:
Zahlreiche Wochen mit Regen und Schnee...
Vielleicht jetzt, denn es soll einmal kalt werden.
Sehr schön....
Ich wünsche dir weiterhin einen guten Start in neue Jahr
Freundliche Grüße und einen angenehmen Sonntag
beverley replied to sea-herdorf:
and the evening of the actual full moon,
the next night, it could not be seen and
so I was pleased to have captured it
the night before. I wish you a good
start to the year and clear skies too :-)
Anton Cruz Carro said:
beverley replied to Anton Cruz Carro:
thanks so much for viewing and your kind comment !
tiabunna said:
beverley replied to tiabunna:
was pleased to have seen it, although the next evening it
was the full moon . . but was cloudy and so I was fortunate
to have seen it . . not sure if it happens every month or
year . . I think it was a special one :-)
Schussentäler said:
beverley replied to Schussentäler:
here and your kind support . . pleased
that you like this Beaver Moon !
Roger (Grisly) said:
I like the mysteries of the moon,
beverley replied to Roger (Grisly):
Uranus is aligned to the moon . . at the moment I cannot see it :-)))
Smiley Derleth said: