Canada Tour Xatśūll First Nation Cultural Village 1 xPiP
Xatśūll First Nation Cultural Village on the Fraser river
Xatśūll First Nation a member of the Great Secwépemc Nation, they were once known as the Xatśūll people (who made their home on the cliff where the sparkling water comes out).
The Xatśūll people administered a territory that stretched from the coast at Inlet near Kitimat to the Rocky Mountains. Their use of the land brought them into contact with neighboring peoples.
The Xatśūll also lived as hunter-gatherers in clans, like many aboriginal peoples They focused on the Fraser River and salmon fishing. Land use was already in harmony with natural processes.
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Taken on Sunday June 22, 2014
Posted on Wednesday July 5, 2023
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©UdoSm said:
Jaap van 't Veen said:
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Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces informations.
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