

now on www.taonarts.com and also a lot of new abstractaons > taonarts.com/absolutely-abstract and one new there > taonarts.com/nudes-2 ;-)
have fun !
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.t.a.o.n. said:

dear friends, i must apologize again for my long absence, too much to do (2 exhibitions, to follow my obsession for creating abstract pics and things in my family), but to show you that i'm still alive i publish this image now in ipernity first.
i haven't forgot you and my will to be more active here is unbroken, but i still need more time before i'm able to realize my desire to do that.
thank you so much for your mails and your requests for my health, i'm fine, just in selfmade stress... ;-)
i wish you a very good time, always great light, fun and success ! see you soon again, as soon as possible !
if you're courious what i've done meanwhile in an artistical way, please follow the links above !
cheers !
6 years ago

Malik Raoulda said:

Bonjour Robert.....
6 years ago

Tanja - Loughcrew said:

Jeder sollte sich die Zeit nehmen, die er braucht...und wir sollten sie geben Robert!
Freue mich dennoch, wieder etwas von Dir zu sehen...abstrakte Intimität...brüchig und
sehr verletzlich...spürbar!
Hab einen schönen Abend...Tanja;)
6 years ago ( translate )

Erika Akire said:

...wie ein Hauch von Zerbrechlichkeit...freut mich Robert, wieder ein "Neues" von dir bewundern zu können...
6 years ago ( translate )

Erika Akire replied to Erika Akire:

...abstractaon IV night...gefällt mir besonders gut...
6 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Awesome composition!

Admired in:
6 years ago ( translate )

neira-Dan said:

J'aime beaucoup
6 years ago ( translate )

Annemarie said:

This is wonderful.............
Happy new week:)
6 years ago

Armando Taborda said:

Your "absolutely-abstract" artwork is wonderful, Robert!
6 years ago

Diana Australis said:

Robert, lovely to see you. Adore your work.
Love and hugs!
6 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Das ist großartig, Robert ! Eine wunderbare Arbeit !
6 years ago ( translate )

Sylvie Coeffic said:

Bon d'avoir des nouvelles Robert ! Belle réalisation ! :-)
6 years ago ( translate )

ROL/Photo said:

Superbe t'es un Artiste..chapeau bas à toi.. Rob.... bravo
j'aime beaucoup
6 years ago ( translate )

Wierd Folkersma said:

very minimalistic
6 years ago ( translate )

Christel Ehretsmann said:

I love that earth-like texture !
6 years ago