
abstractaon I.1

everyone who follows me since a while knows my affinity to abstract processing. base of each of my works have been photographs, always. to work with a photo means not to lose the contact with this base, the photo is always the boss of the developing image, all processing must fit to it. this is a challenge and a big pleasure at the same time and over the years i discovered many many kinds of treatment and techniques.

since a longer time the desire to work in a completely free way was growing in me and now it exploded... :-) to work independent to photos, independent to something that forces me into a corset, was a big wish of mine. and now i realized it... to play with lines, forms and the opportunities to combine them is a great pleasure and opens visual doors i never expected.

from now on i will show you the results of my completely free activity in digital abstract art. this doesn't mean that i give up my normal work, but at the moment i'm keen on this kind of creating pictures.

my images i call "abstractaons" and i'll just number them not to disturb your imaginations and fantasies by a title that points the way.

i hope, you have the same fun in beholding my abstractaons like me creating them ! ;-)

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Belleuse said:

Zajebiste ! ;-))) My dear friend, this is compliment because of your new wonderful image !!!
7 years ago

.t.a.o.n. replied to Belleuse:

jestes niesamowicie szybka, droga belleusieczka ! :-)
i know this word and i take it as a compliment, of couse !
thank you very much, my dear friend !
7 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Ein Feuerwerk der Farben und Formen ! Eine Freude für das Auge ! Außergewöhnlich ! Chapeau, Robert !
7 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. replied to Ulrich John:

freies bildliches arbeiten bedeutet, "die sau rauslassen" zu können... ich denke, das sieht man... :-)
herzlichen dank, ulrich !
7 years ago ( translate )

Lebojo said:

s'evader vers la liberté ...
7 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. replied to Lebojo:

c'est moins une evasion, c'est plus une excursion... ;-)
merci, joel !
7 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Stunning abstract and colors!

Admired in:
7 years ago

.t.a.o.n. replied to William Sutherland:

thank you very much, william !
7 years ago

Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:

quoi que tu crées je serai toujours aussi fan Roby !
Cet abstrait coloré a les couleurs de la vie et de l’espoir !************
Merci mon ami ! bon week-end à toi et les tiens ! bisous♫
7 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. replied to Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*:

au premier plan, je vois notre rationalité, la complexité de notre pensée, les règles et les normes que nous créons. mais à l'arrière-plan vivez la sauvagerie, l'envie, les besoins émotionnels et tout ce qui ne peut pas être coincé dans notre rationalité ... ;-)
si nous arrivons à combiner les deux, nous deviendrons humains ...
merci beaucoup pour tes mots très gentils, chère amie, un bon weekend pour toi et ceux qui sont importants pour toi ! bisous
7 years ago ( translate )

Heidiho said:

Das ist wirklich ein ganz neuer, unerwarteter Stil bei Dir, für mich total überraschend.
Ich freu mich dran - es ist alles so schön bunt hier. Genau wie ich es mag !
7 years ago ( translate )

.t.a.o.n. replied to Heidiho:

es hat schon lange in mir gegärt, losgelöst von allen vorgaben kreativ zu sein, so wie ich früher gemalt habe... der inspiration folgen, ohne darauf achten zu müssen, dass da eine basis ist, an der man sich orientieren muss. oder kurzum: es macht einen riesenspass ! :-)
herzlichen dank, liebe heidi !
7 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

WOW! Super inspiring! =)

And thank you for the story behind.
7 years ago

.t.a.o.n. replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

i just wanted explain my motivation a little bit... ;-)
many thanks, sami ! and greetings to mr. nobody ! :-)
7 years ago

Armando Taborda said:

You never stop, my friend!

It's your permanent state of dissatisfaction that leads you to evolve and create better and better.
7 years ago