Many years ago I went on a cruise and one of the ports was Bremerhaven.
I like approaching cities by sea
I stopped doing that many years ago because I don't like the current ships.
Judit - You speak from my heart. I hate these big and oversized cruise ships - one of the biggest polluters.
By the way, I was born in Bremerhaven and lived there until I was 21 years old ;-)))))one more thing :-))) opposite the 'Great Church' - that's what it's really called - I trained as a bookseller. It's an apprenticeship and I had to go to school in Bremen once a week. And the exam was there too.
Annemarie said:
Happy Sunday!
Xata said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne et heureuse journée dominicale paisible et reposante.
J.Garcia said:
Well chosen for the theme
Many years ago I went on a cruise and one of the ports was Bremerhaven.
I like approaching cities by sea
I stopped doing that many years ago because I don't like the current ships.
aNNa schramm replied to J.Garcia:
By the way, I was born in Bremerhaven and lived there until I was 21 years old ;-)))))one more thing :-))) opposite the 'Great Church' - that's what it's really called - I trained as a bookseller. It's an apprenticeship and I had to go to school in Bremen once a week. And the exam was there too.
J.Garcia replied to aNNa schramm:
Times were different
I always lived in Lisbon, Anna
oHo said:
Keith Burton said:
Ghislaine said:
Luis Miguel said:
Doug Shepherd said:
Wierd Folkersma said:
William Sutherland said:
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PhLB - Luc Boonen said:
Gillian Everett said: