
How about some sharing?

And I do not mean sharing any of my or ima team's publication only, but sharing any cool stuff we see around here at ipernity.

We all may have other social media accounts as well. If those web services allow one to share such things as copied URL addresses, then that could also help us sharing how cool place this ipernity is.

A good place to start with is IPERNITY IN SOCIAL MEDIA group: www.ipernity.com/group/socialmedias

Because people have shared their images there, it means they also should be alright with sharing them where ever someone finds it nice. Meaning, if you find there something you like, then why not to share it also with people all over the internet. It is also always polite and appropriate to mention what is shared, and who is the author that can be discovered when following the link on shared content.

And if someone here has also enabled the share options on the 'ACTIONS' -menu for any publication they have here at ipernity, it should also mean they do allow sharing. Moreover, that applies onto blog articles and other media published at ipernity.

The point is that we can help each other to become seen and known around the internet. So, if people allow something been as public and shared, then help them to become shared.

But also vice versa. We do can share some stuff here at ipernity in various ways. For example blog articles are a great way to share all kinds of things seen elsewhere, like wonderful music videos found on YouTube: www.ipernity.com/tag/serola/keyword/20060/post

A tip: If and when you embed video from YouTube, you can do it on "source code". Click the button "Source" on blog article editor, embed the copied code, and click again the source button to switch back to WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). Moreover, before you copy the embed code from YouTube, check "Enable privacy-enhanced mode" in order to protect the privacy of your visitors. This is well explained here: www.howtogeek.com/402488/how-to-embed-a-youtube-video-in-powerpoint
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Xata said:

Ok I will post there. I have no social media account though, but I changed my settings to allow the sharing.
5 years ago

Daniela said:

Venez et voyez...!
5 years ago ( translate )

Frank J Casella said:

Read this, and will be checking out that group Sami. Thank you for all that you do around here.
5 years ago