
How to change the dates when picture is posted and taken?

UPDATE December 13, 2020: Currently there are no magical way to get images uploaded. The only way to make something appear as "new" is to change the 'Posted' date of some old images as explained on this old post of mine.

Hover the mouse cursor on right side next to 'Posted on...' or 'Photo taken on...' date. Click on appearing '(change)' link. Then change the date as you wish on the opening dialog box.

For example you may wish to change the date 'Posted on...' to make some older upload appear on your contacts' 'News'again. That trick is perfectly alright to do, to for example make some useful blog article or image appear again on 'News' after doing some updates on it. Moreover, this trick is useful if you first upload image as private, and then later on wish to turn it public and appear on 'News'.

To change date when 'Photo taken on...' is useful if for example you have forgot to correct your camera's calendar, or you have scanned some old printed or film media images of your's.

Update by Bernhard (Bergfex):

Please note that re-posting has no influence on the placement in the gallery.

This is because the gallery does not use a date stamp, but the sequential number of the upload, which is entered during the upload and can never be manipulated.

For this reason, old images will never appear in the gallery if you move them to the front of your photo stream by changing the 'date posted'.

Update concerning the group contributions

Moreover, there is no need to worry about the order of group contributions, if and when the 'Posted' date becomes changed. All the contributions and their order within the groups remains as the same.
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Ruesterstaude said:

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, Sami! Ich habe das allerdings schon öfter benutzt, auch um ein ganzes Album zwar öffentlich, aber nicht aktuell zu machen,
5 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Ruesterstaude:

Maybe I (we) should add link to this here:

5 years ago

Eva Lewitus said:

Thanks Sami,
This only applies when you know the exact date (Month, Day, Year) If you know only the year you can´t change the date.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Eva Lewitus:

Then you have to give some estimate:

Spring = May
Day = 15th
Morning = 09:00
5 years ago

Eva Lewitus said:

That´s an idea. But is that the point to have the DATE on this page?
5 years ago

Frank J Casella said:

Thanks Sami. You are always full of useful tips here.
5 years ago

Esther said:

Thanks for the tip. I had this exact problem after I changed the battery on my camera.
5 years ago

Gudrun said:

This is a really useful tip!
I always upload my photos as private so I can add descriptions, tags etc. or change around between PiPs. When it's all done I correct the upload time and make the photo public.
Changing the date when the photo was taken is not only useful with scanned photos but also with some editing tools which change the date to the day of edit.
5 years ago

Diane Putnam said:

I have to do this a lot, for several reasons.
5 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

I also have to do this often. But this is because a high propoerion of my shots these past 10 years have been with a Fuji Finepix 100 that is a percfectly fine, if modest, little pocket digital but the date has always been about 15 mo ths behind and better techical people than me have not been able to resolve it!
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Andy Rodker:

"Computers" are mysterious... =(

I immediately searched on that camera model, and found this:

Maybe not the same issue as you have, because there people mentions only hours, not months.
5 years ago

Andy Rodker replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

Thank you, Sami. I guess it's just part of a widespread problem with Fuji. In any event the camera hasn't worked at all these past 6 months so I am only using my mobile at the moment!
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Andy Rodker:

Well, I am most of the time using mobile as well ;-)

It sort of takes one back to old days! =D

With phone camera one is more or less bound to fixed focal length, and one has to use all skills to get along with that.
5 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Found this from the last year. Posted date changed.
4 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Vielen Dank, Sami !
4 years ago ( translate )