
Allow image download to everyone...

Here's somewhat delicate topic. As you may know, images at ipernity are "protected" against "download theft" with overlapping z.gif. However, that method really is not very effective because anyone who knows even a little how to see the page source or use browser's "inspect" tool, also knows how to open and download any image displayed on the web page.

Moreover, there is a minor design flaw in case of images shared under Creative Commons. If you share something marked as "CC Attribution", like all my resent images, only those who have ipernity account are able to download the image from the Actions menu. That is not enough, because Creative Commons means that the use under Creative Commons should be then allowed to everyone, no matter if they have ipernity account or not. Whether one then follows the instructions and ideas on how CC is supposed to work, is then up to the user:


On desktop browsers there is also an alternative easy workaround to get rid of the z.gif images. That can be done by installing Stylish extension for Chrome or corresponding add-on for Firefox, and then the Ipernity Dark style 2018 v1.0 for ipernity:


On bottom of that page you get download links for Stylish extension/add-on, which you have to get first, and then install and enable the Dark style 2018 v1.0 for ipernity. What you then get is z.gif removed from the pages shown via menu 'Actions > See all sizes' here at ipernity.

The limitation of this method is that it only works on few desktop browsers, and as far as I know, it doesn't work on mobile phone browsers.

More about this here, on my blog article:

Visible by: Everyone
(more information)

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Visible by: Everyone

Attribution + non Commercial

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Stormlizard said:

Thank you for this information Sami.
Does it help to download from my page to my page without getting a z.gif when I want the photo.
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Stormlizard:

Test it ;-)

Currently that Dark Style only disables the z.gif on pages like this:

If you want to have z.gif disabled on all pages, then it requires some additional tweak.
6 years ago

cammino said:

Good informations!
6 years ago ( translate )

Peter_Private_Box said:

Hi Sami

Thank you for this guidance..
But I do wonder if any of my pictures are worth stealing!!!!!!!!

Best Wishes, and a good weekend
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Peter_Private_Box:

Well, from Creative Commons point of view one should ask: "Are my pictures worth to share and/or remix?"

And in your case Peter, they most certainly are! =)

If you ever consider using Creative Commons license, I recommend the same as I chose: "CC Attribution + non Commercial". So, you let others to play with the images, and if they respect the Creative Commons, they should at least always mention who is the author of the original image and where to find it.
6 years ago

Janet Brien said:

Fascinating. I guess the Z overlay is to keep honest people honest...but like you say, anyone who cares to take a single step can download pictures easily. Thanks for the information on the extension, I'd like this merely so I can easily download my own pictures without having to drag over to download full size, etc. Also I have had occasion to dl a picture from someone to use in a note explanation, and it's annoying to have to jump through hoops to get a basic screen cap.
6 years ago

Annemarie said:

6 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Annemarie:

Good to know that someone don't like this ;-)

Feedback is always welcome =)
6 years ago

Ernst Doro said:

oh je, ich verstehe nur "Bahnhof"
6 years ago ( translate )