

dude! heard those warnings? better take cover.
what warnings?
could be a missile attack! we gotta get to the bunker! they may be using nukes!
but I'm not done sorting the cannon balls!
forget the damn cannon balls, man! we could get fried standing around out here!
that does it! I'm gonna prime the 32-pounder. they won't know what hit 'em.
are you listening? a 32-pound cannon ain't gonna stop a damn missile!
there's that word again. what's a missile? and. . . . nukes?
are you, like, new here?
hmm. could be hand-to-hand fighting. better sharpen my bayonet.
your what?
you got any extra musket powder? can't be too prepared, you know.
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Berny said:

Besides the - like always - great text, I very much like the perspective. Next time I'll visit this place. If there is a next time.
4 years ago

honeyj replied to Berny:

thanks Berny ;-)
4 years ago

slgwv said:

You have a gift for narrative! Nice pic, too--
4 years ago

honeyj replied to slgwv:

4 years ago

malona replied to slgwv:

can only second that
4 years ago

John Lawrence said:

Thanks for adding to the group
3 years ago

Steve Bucknell said:

Thanks for popping in. You only said you were going to the shop. You’ve been gone years! Did you fall down a manhole? Were you abducted by schoolgirls? Did you go on that pilgrimage to Mecca?
10 months ago