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Dinesh said:


Lull’s en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramon_Llull first figure represents a case of disposition where the nine Absolute Principles are assigned to letters. Lull explores all the possible combinations among these principles so as to produce propositions such as ‘Bonita est magna’ (Goodness is great), ‘Duratio est gloriosa’ (Duration is glorious), and so on. The principles appear in nominal form when they are the subject in adjectival form when they are the predicate, so that the sides of the polygon inscribed in the circle are to be read in two directions (we may read ‘Bonitas est magna,’ as well as ‘Mannitudo est bona). The possible dispositions of nine elements two by two, when inversions of order are also allowed, permit Lull to formulate seventy two propositions (see figure 10.2)

The figure permits regular syllogisms (‘ut ad faciendam conclusionem possit medium invenire” (if the middle term be suitable for reaching a conclusion). To demonstrate that Goodness can be great, it argued that “omne id quod magnificetur a magnitudine est magnum – sed Bonitas est id quod magnificetur a magnitudine – ergo Bonitas est Magna ( “everything made great by greatness is great – but Goodness is what is made great by greatness – therefore Goodness is great” ) ~ Page 388

2 months ago