
Plate 4.1

The sad complaint of the poor against the domination of inflation, 1621 (Trawrige Klag der Amen weger de umachten Geltsteigerung)
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Dinesh said:

. . . . More recently, historians hae argued over whether leading element in this inflation was the level of rents. A German broadsheet from 1621 entitled ‘The Sad complaint of the poor against the domination of inflation’ (plate 4.1) blamed the rich for causing immense suffering to the poor through their speculations. The author of the text puts the worldly misery in a religious context, where the poor are promised God’s assistance, while the rich are guaranteed to suffer in hell. In the middle of the picture we see a poor man attacked by a wealthy man, who in turn is being bitten by a monster of avarice, Belial, who I sitting on sacks of boxes of gold. In the left-hand corner, the mouth of hell gapes upon and rich can see in the fires of hell; in the right-hand corner the poor women with a baby sitting on a box, possibly evicted from the house. ~ Page 216

19 months ago