I love the ones on the right, if no heels I'd go for them. The green ones are to flashy for me, I go for trainers but more simple neutal colour ones. The boots with heels have never been my thing, but would please our iperfriend Leopold...https://www.ipernity.com/home/64806... hahaha
Nice variety of footwear there! Once upon a time, long in the distant past now, I would have worn, and loved, those high heels. Today they would cripple me before I got to our front door on the way out!!
Gudrun said:
Xata said:
LĂ©opold replied to Xata:
You know me very well at this level at least !
Nora Caracci said:
Corinne Queme said:
Amelia said:
Esther said:
Wierd Folkersma said:
Gillian Everett said:
Eunice Perkins said: