Garden Chairs
Taken with the oldest camera I own, an early 1920's Kodak Pocket 1A.
It was made to use 116 size film, unobtainable for decades, so I machined up some spool adapters and put a roll of Fomapan 100 through it. Using 120 film gives a format of 6x11cms, so you get a semi-panoramic result. This was the best of the six frames, - despite my efforts with black tape, there were still light leaks. Vintage treatment in Gimp.
1924 Kodak Pocket 1A, f6.3/126mm Kodak Anastigmat lens. Foma Ultra 100 in Diafine, 4+4 mins@21C
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Taken on Saturday January 1, 4501
Posted on Tuesday January 10, 2017
- 614 visits
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Mikeinlagardette said:
Marie-claire Gallet said:
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