
a light for Saraswati (invoking the muse)

Not being a religious person (Catholicism crushed me), but from an anthropological interest, I do have a soft side for polytheism (and the equivalent saints cult in Catholicism for instance) just because it reflects much more the human in it. And I do like rituals. I light a candle for Saraswati, to call the art muse ;) (as well as to other gods and saints for different offices :D )
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Bob Taylor said:

Excellent detail and appealing light. Very nice work.
11 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Thanks Bob and Yuma.
Out of town for a while.
A calm and good holiday time for all!
11 years ago

Risa Profana said:

Grazie gianni!
11 years ago ( translate )

Elbertinum said:

Die christlichen Kirchen haben eine patriarchalische und imperiale Geschichte -
Ich finde das ist nicht im Sinne des Joshua - des Jesus aus Nazareth -
meine Meinung darüber schrieb ich in "Religions - yes or no" "Religionen - ja oder nein"
Vielleicht interessiert es dich
Have a nice and good day - my best wishes from East Germany near Dresden
Elbertinum :-)
10 years ago ( translate )

Risa Profana replied to Elbertinum:

Danke sehr, Elbertinum. Sie haben völlig Recht. Ich werde mir mit Ruhe, Ihr Blog genauer ansehen und lesen.
Herzliche Grüße auch.
10 years ago ( translate )

Steve Bucknell said:

I hadn't heard of Saraswati. You have converted me.
10 years ago