
Nederland - Poederoyen, Slot Loevestein

Slot Loevestein (Loevestein Castle), or officially Museum Slot Loevestein, is one of the most well-known castles of the Netherlands. The castle was built by the knight Dirk Loef of Horne (hence "Loef's stein" (stone) house) between 1357 and 1368. Around 1575 it was expanded to a larger fortress surrounded by earthen fortifications with two (later three) stone bastions, two moats, an arsenal, and barracks for a commander and soldiers. The castle was also integrated into the Hollandic Water Line.

From 1614 on Slot Loevestein was used as a state prison. In 1619 a famous Dutch jurist, humanist, lawyer and poet “Hugo de Groot”, was imprisoned in the castle together with his wife and daughter to serve a life term sentence. In 1621 however he managed to escape from the castle by hiding in a big wooden bookcase, which was being brought out of the castle.

In the 19th century the castle was incorporated into a new and enlarged earthwork fortress, which made the castle an important stronghold in the New Dutch Waterline (a line of defensive works using water throughout the western part of Holland) and is part of this 200-kilometer long UNESCO World heritage Site. During all these works the bailey of the castle was torn down, the sole remnant is the round tower which was used as a powder magazine. Loevestein Castle lost its military function in 1952.

Nowadays Slot Loevestein is used as a medieval museum and function centre.
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Annemarie said:


Wish you a pleasant weekend ( with sun!)
6 weeks ago

Madeleine Defawes said:

Superbes images de ce vieux château entouré d'eau !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
6 weeks ago ( translate )

FarbFormFreude said:

diese Burg ist ein steinernes Bild von Angst und Gewalt ?
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Bien renseignée et admirablement partagée.
Bonne et heureuse fin de semaine paisible.
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Nouchetdu38 said:

Again a wonderful trip into Middle-Ages!!!!!!!!!!!
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Walter 7.8.1956 said:

Eine sehr schöne Anlage!!
HFF und dir ein schönes Wochenende!!
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Buelipix said:

HFF .... wish you a pleasant weekend!
Greets, Alex
6 weeks ago ( translate )

TOZ said:

Another super building from you Jaap.
HFF Have a great weekend.
6 weeks ago

Ronald Stachowiak said:

Prachtig historisch Nederlands erfgoed , en markant Kasteelgebouw .
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Mikus said:

Ein Relikt vergangener Zeit, schön als Museum. HFF und angenehmes Wochenende, Jaap.
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Roger (Grisly) said:

Another imposing castle in a nice series Jap! HFF!
6 weeks ago

Guy Bacca (guybac) said:

Superbe château qui semble indestructible, en le voyant, on pense plus à une forteresse ou une prison qu'à un musée... Bien mis en valeur par cette belles série d' images
6 weeks ago ( translate )

Stephan Fey said:

Nice series of the castle, Jaap. HFF and a good weekend!
6 weeks ago

Günter Klaus said:

Das gefällt mir bei dir auch immer,dass du diese Bauwerke immer aus verschiedenen Ansichten fotografierst lieber Japp,da sind dir wieder sehr schöne Aufnahmen um das Schloss gelungen :))

Wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
6 weeks ago ( translate )

RHH said:

Impressive and must have been even more so at the height of its glory. Great photos and information, Jaap.
6 weeks ago