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Wierd Folkersma said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Keith Burton said:
J. Gafarot said:
Annemarie replied to J. Gafarot:
Xata said:
Ghislaine said:
Esther said:
tiabunna said:
Gillian Everett said:
Nora Caracci said:
Nouchetdu38 said:
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:
Pierre Pasqualini said:
Didier Foulard said:
Wierd Folkersma said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne et heureuse soirée paisible et reposante.
Keith Burton said:
J. Gafarot said:
To be eaten once a year to celebrate the visit of the 3 Kings.
You are supposed to add one (.) spoonfull of Port Wine and smile.
And be patient, grain after grain...
Annemarie replied to J. Gafarot:
Happy new week:)
Xata said:
Hyperrealism is not my thing at all... for me it lacks some magic mood...
Ghislaine said:
Esther said:
tiabunna said:
Gillian Everett said:
Nora Caracci said:
buona settimana !
Nouchetdu38 said:
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:
Pierre Pasqualini said:
Didier Foulard said: