Looking back on 2020, which began for us with raging bushfires covering
huge areas nearby, it wasn't a great start - and the year didn't improve.
I wandered down to the beach on 31 December 2019, when the main part of the smoke and fires had cleared us and could hardly believe seeing this elderly couple sitting on the beach contemplating the distance (or the coming year?) through the smoke! Best contemplated large.
In the PiPs:
* people watching the smoke on 30 December 2019
* smoke rising behind neighbouring houses on 31 December 2019
* light through the smoke when the wind changed direction and blew it our way.
Wishing everyone (and ipernity) all the best for 2021. Let's all hope for good health and for better things in the New Year.
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William Sutherland said:
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Janet Brien said:
tiabunna said:
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