The frangipannis were in full bloom when we visited the Gold Coast. Ours will not be out for at least another month. Here's an
'Australian country music' link that more or less matches. :-)
I'd like to think that Pam might enjoy this and that she is warmed and helped by the reflection of summer weather.
Annemarie said:
William Sutherland said:
Admired in:
Gudrun said:
Nora Caracci said:
Marie-claire Gallet said:
Fred Fouarge said:
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Janet Brien said:
I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! for the time you've spent to visit my photo stream and for all of the warm and thoughtful comments you left on so many of them. You're SWAMPED with the need to catch up, so it's especially touching that you've not only taken the time to look at my pictures, but to read my voluminous War & Peace novels as well! You are the best. *hugs*
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
John FitzGerald said:
* ઇଓ * said:
Karen's Place said:
I enjoyed the song too. Fun! :)
Helena Ferreira said:
Pam J said:
Diana Australis said: