1 picture in a note above! :)
Oh MY!!! What a flowery-fabulous morning it was! Lots of brand new poppies to enjoy, and I've been watching the flowers that my friend Robin gave me...today the buds are looking like a dozen hairy fingers stretching outwards and toward the sun! Makes me wish I had them on time-lapse, how amazing it would be to watch the petals wiggle and move! I took lots of pictures but I like the way this one turned out with the bright yellow blossom in front and another fading off into bokeh behind! By the way...if this is a Black Eyed Susan, I guess the center changes color over time, because right now it's a pale cream color in there! :D I don't doubt your wisdom though, so I'm eagerly keeping an eye on those centers to watch the color change! Hmmm...I wonder if I should take transitional pictures to show this change! :D
Yesterday and today mark the halfway point of my 365 project and though I mentioned this already yesterday, I do want to encourage you to consider this challenge, because it's really fantastic as an educational tool, and also teaches discipline on many levels. I've made a lot of friends through this project as well, and I have no regrets for taking this on!
Luther Burbank (7 March 1849 – 11 April 1926) was an American botanist, horticulturist and a pioneer in agricultural science. He developed more than 800 strains and varieties of plants over his 55-year career. Burbank's varied creations included fruits, flowers, grains, grasses, and vegetables. He developed a spineless cactus (useful for cattle-feed) and the plumcot.
Wikipedia: D Luther Burbank
Explored on July 4, 2013. Highest placement: page 3 (#70)
Jan said:
tiabunna said:
Mickey fez said:
Christel Ehretsmann said:
and details
Rafael said:
Dave Hilditch said:
I admire your dedication to producing at least one image every day. I love photography but don't think I could impose that discipline on myself. I tend to do my photography in bursts taking lots of images (not all good ones by any means).
Enjoy your day and get out there with your camera!
1banaan said:
Don Sutherland said:
Blueman said:
Puzzler4879 said:
Well Done!!
Seen in
Leap's Photo
Pam J said:
I am doing a 365.. and above all it has shown me that nothing and no day is mundane.
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:
Jim Boynton said:
Treasa Ui Cionaodha said: