Black-tailed Godwit / Grutto (Limosa limosa)
My first trip to the countryside this year. Lots of activity deep in the fields where I can't go, so I needed to be very patient and wait for them to come my way. This one did. Taken late afternoon.
The Terns hadn't arrived yet, which was my prime reason for riding out. The Swallows are back and breeding though. It's going to be fun shooting them again this year!
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Taken on Monday May 5, 2014
Posted on Tuesday May 6, 2014
- 924 visits
- 26 people like
Valfal said:
MichèleM said:
This wonderful image was seen in:
Aves birds oiseaux vögel pássaros
Levina de Ruijter said:
Jim Boynton said:
Levina de Ruijter replied to Jim Boynton:
My settings were: ISO400 - f/8 - 1/640s (and taken with the 1D II N & 400/5.6).
Of course settings depend very much on the light of the moment and the angle at which it hits a subject so don't forget that these settings were the ones that were right for this particular shot only.
Levina de Ruijter replied to Levina de Ruijter:
Don Sutherland said:
Levina de Ruijter said:
Levina de Ruijter said: