
Neuman, Butcher, Jowett

Source for "Alfred E. Neuman": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mad30.jpg

After my Butcher/Jowett comparison I run into a page published by Art Neuendorffer. He discovered a resemblance between Henry Holiday's depiction of The Butcher in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark and Alfred E. Neuman. Neuendorffer wrote: "When Mad Magazine was sued for copyright infringement, one defense it used was that it had copied the picture from materials dating back to 1911." Incidentially, my first copy of the The Hunting of the Snark was an American edition published in 1911.

But there also is www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201516021681606&set=o.115919138428537&type=1&stream_ref=10 (Jeffrey C. Hughes).

2017-09-24: It seems that Alfred E. Neuman and the Butcher are quite distant relatves only:
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Götz Kluge said:

The Butcher and Benjamin Jowett
11 years ago ( translate )