
Hedgerley Mill

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Isisbridge said:

Roy says, if you straighten it up a bit and crop that raggedy bit off the left-hand tree, it should be okay.
2 years ago

Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:

Cropped. It's straight - NB end of RH is parallel with the frame.

Glad it can stay. On Flickr it's in an album called "January-July 2022", and it rounds up the number of pictures in that to 160. Before it was 159 and I don't like odd numbers.
2 years ago

Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:

The windows are leaning to the right, and the RH edge too, if you include the lower part.
And the top needs cropping just below that 'hole' in the LH tree. Otherwise, it's an okay shot.

But you don't need Roy's permission to keep it on display.
2 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

Yes, I like it just as it is. One reason is that it looks like an old mill house in Suffolk we stayed for three summer holidays as a family in the 70s.
2 years ago

Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:

Measured with my ruler, the RH edge is dead parallel with the frame. The windows aren't completely straight on the building (subsidence is normal in buildings of that age, especially when their foundations are by water. But this was compounded by the barrel distortion from the zoom lens on my compact camera, which PhotoMatix (which I normally use) doesn't correct. Accordingly, I've re-developed the RAW file in other software which does.
2 years ago

Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:

You're talking over my head with all the technical stuff. Instead of using your bedside ruler, you can line up the verticals with the straight edge of the note box, and the slight lean becomes evident. But the top looks better now.
2 years ago