I get confused by all this - I'm obviously not of the correct intellectual callibre!
I presume you meant you saved Roy the bother!
I would challenge this Roy to showcase examples of what he purports to be exemplar photographs. I look forward to seeing him in the member's registar presently so that we can all gain the benefit if his photographular sagacity.
Although he and I differ to a degree over what is perfect composition and over the amount of digital falsification that's acceptable, the differences boil down to artistic judgement, perception and opinion and neither of us can hence be right or wrong in any objective sense, and I would be the last to say that popularity and plaudits (Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the Rolling Stones were all immensely popular in their time) are evidence of merit.
Roy might himself be a very talented photographer, and his paucity of published work may be due more to a lack of opportunity to travel than a lack of ability.
Shh! Our friend is getting rather niggly and has respectfully asked to leave the conversation.
Roy is obviously not in his sphere and we don't want shots fired or anyone coming a cropper.
Turn his sphere upside down and you'll get a snowstorm.
Cheer me up, please. Last night I noticed that (thanks to sloppy work done < 10 years ago ) the drain connection to my washing machine upstairs had worked loose and water has penetrated the ceiling of the room below, which now needs to be redecorated.
1. In future I'll set the machine going and then wait downstairs. As well as badly staining the ceiling, it's also ruined the fabric slats of the window blind. Fortunately they're replaceable.
2. Now he's taken the wind out of my sails. I hope he's not just pretending to like it in order to 'extract the Michael'. I myself think it was worth taking for the sake of flying the flag, but only just. I'm also asking myself why, week after week, year after year, I'm still taking this sort of twee little picture. How many do I need?
Distressed doors and cupboards are quite fashionable, so you could start a trend with distressed ceilings. My own ceiling is distressed from my neighbour having a similar problem.
This kind of picture is an important reminder of normal life as we face the grim future promised by the globalists. So make sure it's the nation's flag that you're flying.
No-one will live in cottages in the future that's being planned for us by the World Economic Forum. We'll all be living in smart cities, owning nothing and being happy, with no access to the countryside (driverless cars won't take you there).
The EU is already trying to rob the farmers of their land (as is Castro in Canada), and we're going to have to eat bugs instead of meat. This is what the 'green' agenda is all about, propagating a made-up crisis as a means to get us to give up our freedoms and submit to global communism.
Sorry to be so depressing, but that's the reality now that the state has means of digital control.
William Sutherland said:
Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
Andy Rodker said:
Isisbridge replied to Andy Rodker:
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
Andy Rodker replied to Howard Somerville:
I presume you meant you saved Roy the bother!
I would challenge this Roy to showcase examples of what he purports to be exemplar photographs. I look forward to seeing him in the member's registar presently so that we can all gain the benefit if his photographular sagacity.
Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:
Howard Somerville replied to Andy Rodker:
Roy might himself be a very talented photographer, and his paucity of published work may be due more to a lack of opportunity to travel than a lack of ability.
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
Although this suggested that it was, it didn't actually say anywhere that it was closing down, and it wasn't - the shop was still there years later.
Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:
Roy is obviously not in his sphere and we don't want shots fired or anyone coming a cropper.
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
Cheer me up, please. Last night I noticed that (thanks to sloppy work done < 10 years ago ) the drain connection to my washing machine upstairs had worked loose and water has penetrated the ceiling of the room below, which now needs to be redecorated.
Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:
Roy says he loves your superb photo and is going to add it to my faves!
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
2. Now he's taken the wind out of my sails. I hope he's not just pretending to like it in order to 'extract the Michael'. I myself think it was worth taking for the sake of flying the flag, but only just. I'm also asking myself why, week after week, year after year, I'm still taking this sort of twee little picture. How many do I need?
Isisbridge said:
This kind of picture is an important reminder of normal life as we face the grim future promised by the globalists. So make sure it's the nation's flag that you're flying.
Howard Somerville replied to Isisbridge:
Certainly it's normal life that's depicted here. We British all live in olde cottages with roses round the door.
Isisbridge replied to Howard Somerville:
The EU is already trying to rob the farmers of their land (as is Castro in Canada), and we're going to have to eat bugs instead of meat. This is what the 'green' agenda is all about, propagating a made-up crisis as a means to get us to give up our freedoms and submit to global communism.
Sorry to be so depressing, but that's the reality now that the state has means of digital control.