
Relic or Timely?

Larchmont, NY

The basement in my building has been a "fallout" shelter since the 1950s when the specter of nuclear war was great. Although over the last few decades it appeared signs like these appeared to be relics of the past suddenly after Russia pushes on with its invasion of Ukraine, the risks of nuclear war have reached their highest level ever (higher than even the Cuban Missile crises of the 1960s) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warns, "WWIII can only be nuclear" they are appropriate and fitting for 2022. :( Pray for Peace and no World War III!

Of course, this fallout shelter would be porous at best since windows could be blown in from any blasts and radiation would certainly enter through the elevator shafts.
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Dutt Changgle said:

yellow black rrrrrectanggular...
2 years ago

Daniela said:

Cette photo présente un abri antiatomique : il ne faut pas oublier ceci : une fois que les survivants sortent de là, leurs souffrances ne font souvent que commencer ... Ceci est le pire scenario envisageable et le dictateur Poutine est capable de tout, c'est vrai ! Mais n'affolons pas les citoyens, William !: Les Etats-Unis sont loin de la Russie. Prions pour l'Ukraine : Dieu reste le Maître, dieu merci !
2 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland replied to Daniela:

Thanks to ICBMs, the world is connected and the shadow of nuclear annihilation is everywhere. :( At the same time, people can't let fear get to them and must live their lives and may peace be restored in Ukraine to end the senseless destruction and suffering.
2 years ago

Leon_Vienna said:

It's burning out there ...
Well edited.
2 years ago

Nora Caracci said:

questo è un pericolo che è riuscito a sopraffare quello legato al Covid, drammatica ed efficace immagine, purtroppo attuale...
2 years ago ( translate )

Malik Raoulda said:

Ces grands pays cherchent toujours la suprématie et à dominer le monde au détriment de leurs populations faisant des menaces au nucléaire tout en sachant le résultat définitif..Aucun d'eux ne gagnera et cest nous qui subissons..Au finale ça sera le désastre et la désolation et ça sera trop tard.
2 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

As always it is the people who suffer and are deprived of their dreams, quality of life and life itself. :(
2 years ago

William Sutherland said:

Thank you Dutt, Daniela, Leon, Nora, and Malik. Stay well and stay safe!
2 years ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

You never know with that insane idiot !!
Happy weekend and peace and freedom for Ukrain.
2 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

Your title says it all William.
Wishing you a peaceful weekend.
2 years ago

Marta Wojtkowska said:

Ominous reminder and warning...
2 years ago

vero said:

je souhaite de tout mon coeur que le Président Russe, revienne à la raison, je rejoins Daniela dans ses propos, Dieu reste le maître du monde William belle et douce journée affectueusement
Paix et liberté pour Ukrain, Peace and Love
2 years ago ( translate )

Marije Aguillo said:

Me siento totalmente desolada y deprimida y he perdido la esperanza en la cordura humana. No se donde cavar mi agujero. :-(((
2 years ago ( translate )

tiabunna said:

Great work and statement, William. Let's hope!
2 years ago

Günter Klaus said:

........das ist echt schlimm,für was Menschen fähig sind lieber William,wir können alle hoffen und beten,dass es nicht so weit kommt und wieder der Friede auf der ganzen Welt einkehrt:))

........wünsche noch einen schönen Nachmittag,ganz liebe Grüße Güni:))
2 years ago ( translate )