
city reflected (and a bit of a rant ... sorry!)

Almost exactly a year ago, as evening approached (and I headed home from work on my trusty bike "Betsy"), the last of the soft October light was casting warm reflections of the city on the river and the first touches of autumn seemed to have brushed color accents on the city parks trees. Shortly after that, I was once again working remotely from home, as a new wave of Covid19 swept through Italy.

A year later, 80% of the eligible population in Italy is fully vaccinated and another 5% has received the first dose. We still wear masks in indoor venues, on public transportation and in crowded outdoor places, but we can move around, all shops are open, if we need healthcare for something other than Covid we can get it and kids are mostly back in school.

We could probably dispense even with masks and social distancing if our national quota of vaccine hesitant folks (or their parents, in the case of kids over 12) were not being mislead by the misinformation trash that is still rampant on social media. Because of this trash, and the handful of orchestrators that originate it, we are still losing people who could have been protected by the vaccine, people of varying ages, including up to 25 kids each week, end up having to be hospitalised for Covid, we still have to wear masks and we had to implement vaccine mandates (which would not have been necessary if people's minds had not been poisoned against making rational choices). In my opinion, these orchestrators should not just be banned from social media. They should be brought to justice and made to answer for the deaths and the suffering of the people who unfortunately believed their lies.
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Esther said:

I agree 100%. It is even worse in the US. I am lucky to live in a well-educated area where the vaccination percentage is high. I will not travel to Florida or Texas where the governors have politicized what should be strictly a public health matter and do not require masks.
2 years ago

HappySnapper said:

Can't agree with you more Annalia, well spoken. They think that Herd immunity keeps them safe, well it Don't !!! Herd immunity means out of a group of 100 people 80 who have been vaccinated the other twenty think they are unlikely to catch the virus ! Mmmm think on.
Love your Autumnal shot by the way.
2 years ago

cammino said:

Beautifully reflected!
2 years ago

@ngélique ❤️ said:

Splendide **************
2 years ago ( translate )

Andrea Ertl said:

So ein schönes Bild und super Spiegelung, Annalia.
2 years ago ( translate )

Dominique 60 said:

magnifique !!
2 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Magnificent capture and completely agree with your position! 80%! That's a great number compared to the 56.2% here in the USA. It's sad people don't care about the well-being of others anymore and place there so-called "freedom" above the health and lives of others. Worse yet, with the vaccination numbers far worse here and with cases and deaths on the decline, unvaccinated Americans are finding another excuse to remain unprotected to endanger the health and lives of others. It is a false hope and a mirage… like the passing Indian summer before winter sets in. A new variant will come along, another COVID-19 tsunami will sweep the nation and thousands more will die. Here in the USA another dark winter should be in the forecast. :(

If this was 50 years ago, when there wasn't social media and so-called news organizations that disseminate lies, the lines would stretch for blocks and last hours to end this horrible pandemic.

Like Esther, I'm glad I live in a blue state where vaccination levels are above the national average.

Stay well!

Admired in: www.ipernity.com/group/tolerance
2 years ago

Don Sutherland said:

Stunning photo.
2 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Beautiful cityscape with lovely soft colours.
2 years ago

Annemarie said:


ben detto, parole sacrosante.

e immagine soft bellissima
( devo ritornare a Firenze.........!)
2 years ago ( translate )

Pam J said:

2 years ago

Gabi Lombardo said:

purtroppo ci sono ancora troppi irriducibili no-vax in giro ed e' scandaloso che molti di loro lavorino in ambito sanitario e scolastico!!! a me risulta che in Italia solo il 72% della popolazione sia vaccinata..! speriamo bene.....Bella immagine di FI!!
2 years ago ( translate )

Annalia S. replied to Gabi Lombardo:

Puoi trovare i numeri aggiornati sulle vaccinazioni qui, Gabi: www.governo.it/it/cscovid19/report-vaccini
Potrebbe essere che il numero che sai tu sia in rapporto alla popolazione totale. L'80% è in rapporto alla popolazione vaccinabile (quindi sopra i 12 anni).
Io sono sempre più convinta che molti tra i no-vax debbano essere considerati tra le vittime della disinformazione. Purtroppo ne conosco tanti che sono persone istruite e in grado di ragionare ma vengono fuorviati perchè la disinformazione gli arriva da fonti di cui si fidano (amici, parenti, colleghi).
2 years ago ( translate )

FarbFormFreude said:

a view of Beauty and a Story of trash - that's life
2 years ago

Patrick Brandy said:

Splendide photo bonne soirée
2 years ago ( translate )