
HBM.............A corner of Muker

Built on a hillside above the River Swale stands the diminutive yet handsome village of Muker. Home to barely 300 people, the village has changed little in hundreds of years and has attractive slate-roofed cottages, dry stone wall and is home to the England’s highest inn.
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Annemarie said:

beautiful find and image

Happy Monday and week ahead!
13 months ago

TOZ replied to Annemarie:

Thank you Annemarie.
HBM have a great week.
13 months ago

Nora Caracci said:

lovely old stones and view !
hBM !
13 months ago

TOZ replied to Nora Caracci:

Thank you Nora.
HBM have a great week.
13 months ago

Christa1004 said:

That's intriguing, I checked about the highest inn, and I found that Tan Hill Inn is Britain’s highest public house at 1,732 feet (528m) above sea level... HBM TOZ.
13 months ago

TOZ replied to Christa1004:

Thank you Christa.
HBM have a great week.
13 months ago

Xata said:

Still living and not deserted like too many villages nowadays, young people prefer cities and the illusion of more money... and less to work for it !
HBM Gordon
13 months ago

TOZ replied to Xata:

Thank you Isabel.
HBM have a great week.
13 months ago

Herb Riddle said:

A nice corner here and I am nearly certain that it was at this bench that I hurriedly applied my rain gear on our last visit. I have read a book about that Inn, a very interesting read indeed. Thanks for the memory.

HBM -enjoy the week. Herb
13 months ago

TOZ replied to Herb Riddle:

Thank you Herb.
HBM have a great week.
13 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

Interesting notes and a superb capture in lovely light TOZ
HBM and a great week.
13 months ago

Ecobird said:

It looks really sleepy and attractive TOZ, especially in the beautiful light. A place to sit and dream

HBM and have a good week. Well captured.
13 months ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

A bench witha superb view !!
13 months ago ( translate )

Dinesh said:

HBM Have a great week
13 months ago ( translate )