
A 'HFF' to everyone,.. 4 years on,.. 23/2/2020

Only grim and drab scenes around locally at the moment,. so here's a sunny oldie from exactly four years ago....walking the 'River Chillar' valley',. North out of Nerja.. en-route to our destination of 'Frigiliana'
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Christa1004 said:

It was a beautiful day 4 years ago, just what you need for a walk... HFF David.
5 months ago

David G Johnson replied to Christa1004:

Usually around 20c Christa too - so ideal,.. // Have a fine weekend - keep well and a HFF to you - from David J.
5 months ago

LotharW said:

Das herrliche Südspanien! HFF, David. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende! Bleib gesund.
5 months ago ( translate )

David G Johnson replied to LotharW:

Thanks Lothar,... a HFF to you too - and Good Wishes from Dj.
5 months ago

Nicolas Mertens said:

Nice. I had to look it up, although I thought that it was somewhere in Spain :) I found this: www.nerja-turismo.com/en/things-to-do-in-nerja/rio-chillar-walk
5 months ago

David G Johnson replied to Nicolas Mertens:

Thanks Nicolas that's a great find,.and good to see the info',. I envy those with the fitness to explore further than our stamina allows,.. // Keep well youth,. have a good weekend,. and Warm Wishes from Dj.
5 months ago

Annemarie said:

Wish you a serene Friday and weekend!

a nice sunny image David
5 months ago ( translate )

David G Johnson replied to Annemarie:

Thanks Annemarie,.. a ''Good and Happy Friday'' and weekend to you too - Cheers from Dj.
5 months ago

Trudy Tuinstra said:

very wel shown, all the fences! HFF
5 months ago

David G Johnson replied to Trudy Tuinstra:

Thanks Trudy,... a HFF to you too and Cheers',.. from Dj.
5 months ago

Herb Riddle said:

Eee lad I remember our walks around here too. I think we did a bit of this path but not as far as Frigiliana. Thanks for the memory.

HFF, enjoy the weekend. Herb
5 months ago

David G Johnson replied to Herb Riddle:

Gotcha thanks Herb,.. yes it's a great walk and region,. distance only limited by our fitness,. the return bus from Frigiliana is essential (for us) ... // A ''Good weekend'' to you and Good Wishes too - from > Dj.
5 months ago

Erika+Manfred said:

HFF, have a fine weekend
5 months ago ( translate )

Xata said:

Wish you will come back South one day! HFF David
5 months ago

Roger (Grisly) said:

A fine image well worth waiting for David
HFF and a peaceful weekend
5 months ago