
Happy B day from CSP & HS2

There is a bridleway cutting across his shot rising and falling with the terrain. There are several old oaks. This used to be a part of my figure of eight walk from CSP down to the Grand Union Canal and back again. 8 miles of pleasure that HS2 has closed off. The oak tree near the tops right-hand corner is near to where the under the Chilterns tunnel starts just over the hill and down away.
It was a regular horse ridding route too.
Maybe in twenty years time it will be settled and just as beautiful.
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Andy Rodker said:

A pity about this walk, Nick but I hope there are others you can do,
3 years ago

Nick Weall replied to Andy Rodker:

yes Andy I now have a three mile route
3 years ago

Rosalyn Hilborne said:

Such a beautiful picture Nick. I love the slight pink shades in the glistening snow. The sky is amazing! So this wasn't part of the HS2 that was cancelled then!
So many changes at the moment....I don't like it!

Hope you have a good new week ahead. ~ Rosa.
3 years ago

Nick Weall replied to Rosalyn Hilborne:

Hi Rosa, no HS2 is still on and the two tunnel borers are working flat out ~~~ Thanks for your good wishes and may you have a safe and rewarding rub up to Christmas
3 years ago

Sarah O' said:

Hey dear Nick, WHAT a lovely view!! perfect selection for the season :)) you captured this perfectly...even tho we MAY have seen this some time ago, it is still such a great shot.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, and have a good week. with a Christmas Hug, Sarah
3 years ago

Nick Weall replied to Sarah O':

Hi dear Sarah, you have a very good memory :) Thank you ~ I wish you a good run up to Christmas as well ~ Reindeer hugs
3 years ago

Ste said:

A lovely shot indeed Nick with great light and a fence too .. sad the walking route has taken such a drastic cut due to HS2 ..

Best wishes and stay safe.

3 years ago

Nick Weall replied to Ste:

Hi Steve, thank you for your kind recommendations all of which I took. This is one of my favourite local views, but of course there are plenty of others.
Enjoy your week and stay safe
3 years ago

Herb Riddle said:

Ah memories of the way things were. It sounded like a wonderful walk. I have heard how HS2 was cutting things into two but you are the first person I have heard of who it has impacted. Great weather you had here too, it is supposed to be getting colder but no snow forecast yet for this Christmas. Your walks sounds like our two self imposed walks a week into the nearby countryside.

Stay Very Safe and All the Best for the Week.

Thanks for sharing with our UK Landscape Photography Group , Herb
3 years ago

Nick Weall replied to Herb Riddle:

There is a huge impact with special access roads having been built and even its own slip road to and from the M25. As the tunnel progresses northwards then vent shafts are required each on requiring a few acres of land. Tippers are running here and there carrying whatever. Once it is done everything will settle back down and a colony of bats will nest in the tunnel requiring no trains to run in the matting and growing up seasons, and no doubt a natter jack toad or two, finally swampiy's kid will have somewhere dry to sleep
3 years ago

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Lovely winter scene.
Have a safe week ahead.
3 years ago ( translate )

Nick Weall replied to Jaap van 't Veen:

thanks Jaap ~ you too
3 years ago

Boro said:

Superbe ******
3 years ago ( translate )

Patrick Brandy said:

Superbe bonne journée
3 years ago ( translate )

Nora Caracci said:

3 years ago ( translate )