Une remarquable et excellente prise Admirablement partagée avec cette fumée si dense qui
Enjolive cette belle et magnifique scène.
Bonne et heureuse fin de soirée paisible et reposante.
Hi Scott ,
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
I am so happy that you like the scene.
As long as we can keep getting coal for it, I'm sure it will outlast all of us!
Best Wishes, a good weekend, and keep safe,
Hallo Kayleigh ,
Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch. Danke schön!
Ich freue mich, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat!
Beste Wünsche, ein schönes Wochenende und bleiben Sie gesund,
Malik Raoulda said:
Enjolive cette belle et magnifique scène.
Bonne et heureuse fin de soirée paisible et reposante.
Peter_Private_Box replied to Malik Raoulda:
Thank you very much!
I am pleased you found it interesting.
Best Wishes, a good weekend, and keep safe,
Scott Holcomb said:
Peter_Private_Box replied to Scott Holcomb:
Your visit is most welcome. Thank you.
I am so happy that you like the scene.
As long as we can keep getting coal for it, I'm sure it will outlast all of us!
Best Wishes, a good weekend, and keep safe,
tiabunna said:
Peter_Private_Box replied to tiabunna:
Thank you for visiting!
I'm happy that you had a good look!!
Best Wishes, a good weekend, and keep safe,
Kayleigh said:
Peter_Private_Box replied to Kayleigh:
Wir freuen uns über Ihren Besuch. Danke schön!
Ich freue mich, dass es Ihnen gefallen hat!
Beste Wünsche, ein schönes Wochenende und bleiben Sie gesund,
Annemarie said:
Peter_Private_Box replied to Annemarie:
Thank you for visiting!
I am pleased you found it interesting.
Best Wishes, a good weekend, and keep safe,
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Peter_Private_Box replied to Jaap van 't Veen:
Your visit is much appreciated. Thank you!
I am so happy that you like the scene.
Best Wishes, a good weekend, and keep safe,
gezginruh said:
A sunny day with blue sky,but must be very cold!
So, there is plenty of smoke an steam!
A vwonderful capture!
Love Füsun
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* said:
belle journée et bon printemps Peter ! amitiés♫
William Sutherland said: