Two days ago same place!!
As I said always the foggy atmospher adds much this kind of pictures! Infinity feeling!
Very beautiful picture,very nice memory!
Admirable et excellente prise frontale de cette superbe locomotive bien rendue avec cette épaisse fumée.
Bonne et heureuse journée dominicale paisible.
gezginruh said:
Two days ago same place!!
As I said always the foggy atmospher adds much this kind of pictures! Infinity feeling!
Very beautiful picture,very nice memory!
Love Füsun
Marek Ewjan Stachows… said:
→ have a good weekend, Peter !
Nicole Merdrignac said:
Percy Schramm said:
that' s a fantastic action shot. It seems that you like this beautiful region.
Greetings / Percy
Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne et heureuse journée dominicale paisible.
Sarah O' said:
Kayleigh said:
Ich wünsche ein schönes Wochenende :-)
Jo WaLo said:
@ngélique ❤️ said:
bon dimanche Peter !*********************************
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Jocelyne Villoing said:
Bon dimanche mon ami, reste en sécurité.
Günter Klaus said:
Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag,liebe Grüße Güni :))
Nick Weall said:
Marije Aguillo said:
William Sutherland said: