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Annaig56 said:

la mienne n'y est pas,
2 years ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to Annaig56:

Bien sûr que non !
Ta photo est en effet une photo d'été !

ipernity homepage with #1442

Le vote, cependant, porte sur les images d'automne, qui seront mises en ligne le 1er septembre.
2 years ago ( translate )

Annaig56 replied to Bergfex:

ici c'est une photo de printemps,
2 years ago ( translate )

J.Garcia said:

Thank you very much for the information, Bernhard
2 years ago

Ern Jacoby said:

Great selection MERCI thank you very much for this work!
2 years ago

Ulrich John said:

Feine Auswahl, Bernhard !
2 years ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to Ulrich John:

Ohne die Fotografinnen und Fotografen der Bilder könnte ich das nicht.
2 years ago ( translate )

Trudy Tuinstra said:

Thank you and a very nice idea!!
2 years ago

Annemarie said:


how does it work?
can not open it.....
2 years ago

Bergfex said:

Homepage Pictures Autumn 2022 - Participation as of July 11, 2022

Voting Participation Update July 11, 2022

Germany ...............Leerfeld 40%
France ...................Leerfeld 15%
Luxemburg ............Leerfeld 10%
United Kingdom ....Leerfeld 10%
United States ........Leerfeld 8%
Other countries .....Leerfeld 3-5% each (Australia, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Spain)
2 years ago