Mulberry Cassions
These are some of the concrete caissons used on D-Day and after to form an artificial harbor and piers at Arromanches. The caissons were towed across the English Channel and sunk to form the artificial harbor code-named "Mulberry." The harbor was later wrecked by a storm but part of it can still be seen out at sea and on the beach at Arromanches. Several parts are visible on the horizon just above these beached caissons.
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Taken on Thursday August 15, 2024
Posted on Tuesday January 28, 2025
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Malik Raoulda said:
Bonne et agréable journée paisible et salutaire.
Jocelyne Villoing said:
Bon mardi Ron.
DOMCHO said:
William Sutherland said:
Admired in:
* ઇઉ * said:
Teaching about the inhuman atrocities committed by the Nazis should be a permanent part of education in homes, schools and cultural institutions.
Nora Caracci said: