Since my godson's birthday today, I went to my hometown. There are many beautiful old houses with beautiful doors. The theme of today's Sunday Challenge. But I am unhappy with it, just getting the lines. I need to practice more.I tried to put the picture straight and I have reduced saturation.
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Taken on Sunday March 22, 2015
Posted on Sunday March 22, 2015
- 720 visits
- 27 people like
Edward Bowthorpe said:
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
autofantasia said:
Valfal said:
Trudy Tuinstra said:
Shuttering Yukon said:
Gillian Everett said:
FMW51 said:
Ich finde den Vorschlag von autofantasia gut.
Clickity Click said:
Jan said:
Helena Ferreira said:
Indycaver (Norm) said:
Dida From Augsburg said:
Immer a bisserl schwer "gerade zu rücken", wenn es an einer abschüssigen Straße steht - hast es aber doch gut gelöst! Den Zuschnittvorschlag von Paul find ich aber auch nicht schlecht!
Wierd Folkersma said:
maybe more of the front to show the diagonal better
H C said: