sit down and relax !
If you wonder how the big tree is grown in such an unusual way you have to know that it is a very old one.
Since the Middle Ages the forest was used to give firewood to the people. In march they cut the branches of the trees two meters above the ground and let them grow again. (The two meters were important because of the cattles and sheep who would eat the fresh green twigs if they can get them.) The german word for this trees is "Kopfbuche" and means Headed Beech because of the thick bark.
I love to walk through this forest with its fairytale like trees.
In the place you can see here one minute after I took this picture a grandma and a grandpa with their grandchildren came along. Grandma and grandpa hide out behind the big tree and played with the kids. That made me smile.
One thing that I saw only on the computer was the little heart in the bark of the other tree. I´m not sure you can see it in small ipernity version.
Have a good week my friends and find some space to relax!
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Taken on Saturday February 15, 2014
Posted on Sunday February 16, 2014
- 1 361 visits
- 39 people like
Trudy Tuinstra said:
Misou 49 said:
Cette coupe se faisait aussi dans ma région . Dans les endroits humides , en bordure de cours d'eau , poussent des frênes. On coupait leurs branches et au fil des années il se formait une tête . On les appelait les frênes têtards .
Rymie Jolie said:
William Sutherland said:
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Jaap van 't Veen said:
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Christel Ehretsmann said:
Inti said:
J'écrirais un "R" dans le petit coeur rouge.
mARTin Piché said:
cortomaltese91 said:
Annemarie said:
Esther said:
Elbertinum said: