200th post
This is my 200th photo posted here, so I have used up all the 200 posts allowed for a free account here in Ipernity. I don’t think I’ll upgrade to the Ipernity Club so I want to thank all the people who have appreciated my photos and left a comment or a star.
What you see here is the ancient tower and the lighthouse of Sant'Elia, in Cagliari.
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Taken on Thursday September 30, 2010
Posted on Saturday January 23, 2016
- 926 visits
- 41 people like
Isisbridge said:
Or you could delete the least-faved and keep only the best.
Or you could open a second free account with a new name.
Or you could stop being a skinflint and pay your sub to join ipernity!
We need more members to stop it going under.
Good shot, by the way.
Skipper replied to Isisbridge:
Yes, you are right: I could do all that.... but it's not a matter of money, but just a matter of how to spend my time...
Jadviga Grase said:
This is one of the most unpleasant news ...........:(((
I love and I miss your pictures, your exhaustively comentaris! Good luck, Skipper...by the way!
Skipper replied to Jadviga Grase:
I love your picture too...
Annemarie said:
ma perchè non diventare pro?
ci mancherai................. le tue foto sono bellissime
Skipper said:
Eve said:
Je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses !
Skipper replied to Eve:
Scott Holcomb said:
Skipper replied to Scott Holcomb:
Nora Caracci said:
ma spero che tu ci ripensi, potrai ancora postare perdendo purtroppo le più vecchie...
comunque so dove trovarti ;-)
Pam J said:
This is stunning !!
And there is enough time to get Club and post ... here speaks one who never has enough time... but manages
vieira.de.carvalho said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
Skipper said: