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Annemarie said:
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
Nora Caracci said:
Malik Raoulda said:
Herb Riddle said:
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Ulrich John said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
LotharW said:
Ko Hummel replied to LotharW:
Don Sutherland said:
trester88 said:
Tanja - Loughcrew said:
Ko Hummel replied to Tanja - Loughcrew:
Fred Fouarge said:
Annemarie said:
Karl Hartwig Schütz said:
Nora Caracci said:
Malik Raoulda said:
HWW et Bonne journée paisible et reposante.
Herb Riddle said:
HWW, enjoy the day. Herb
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Ulrich John said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
LotharW said:
Ko Hummel replied to LotharW:
Don Sutherland said:
trester88 said:
Tanja - Loughcrew said:
Schönes kleines Filmchen dazu und das Häuschen würde mir auch Sommer :)
hWW Dir Ko und bis bald!
Ko Hummel replied to Tanja - Loughcrew:
Fred Fouarge said: