
bon weekend

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Martine said:

Superbes couleurs, je te souhaite un bon week-end.
5 years ago ( translate )

Nora Caracci said:

très beau gros plan de saison !
5 years ago ( translate )

Ulrich John said:

Merci beaucoup ! Bon weekend a vous aussi !
5 years ago ( translate )

Marie-claire Gallet said:

WOW, quelles jolies couleurs !! Bonne fin de semaine, Amélie ******************
5 years ago ( translate )

Marie-claire Gallet said:

5 years ago ( translate )

William Sutherland said:

Awesome autumn shot!

Admired in:
5 years ago

Andy Rodker said:

A lovely shot, Amélie!
5 years ago

Nicole Merdrignac said:

Bon weekend. Nicole.
5 years ago ( translate )

sasithorn_s said:

Very beautiful!!
5 years ago ( translate )

micritter said:

Excellent macro and gorgeous color.
5 years ago ( translate )

╰☆☆June☆☆╮ said:

It's great to be able to make a start on catching up with everyone. Please see today's blog Update 14th Feb.
5 years ago

micritter said:

Beautiful macro and wonderful, subtle colors.
5 years ago ( translate )