Film: "Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes" (Germany, 1972) - "The Wrath Of God"
director: great Werner Herzog
camera: great Thomas Mauch
AGUIRRE: the world greatest Klaus Kinsky
music: wonderful ......
POPOL VUH ..... ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫
Wenn ich, Aguirre, will, dass die Vögel tot von den Bäumen fallen, dann fallen die Vögel tot von den Bäumen herunter. Ich bin der Zorn Gottes. Die Erde, über die ich gehe, sieht mich und bebt.``
All about the actual situation of this location ......
see HERE
LutzP said:
Heidiho replied to LutzP:
..... und wegen "Aguirre ..... "
..... also, diese Anfangsszene, wo die alle den Berg runterkommen, die Esel, Hühnerkäfige ........
mindestens 20x angeguckt, die Szene (na ja, den Rest dann auch)
.... DESWEGEN bin ich dorthin gefahren !!!!!! Das ist dort heute noch so. Tatsächlich !
RHH said:
cammino said:
Ulrich John said:
William Sutherland said:
William Sutherland said:
Wierd Folkersma said:
Cannot remember if I saw in the cinema, anyhow at least twice on television.
Was it really a flop in Germany?
Heidiho replied to Wierd Folkersma:
There he tells the story of the "making of" of some films he made with Kinsky. "Aguirre" was the most terrible of all. Both tried to kill each other .... a question of temperament ... ;)
Before THIS documentary film NOBODY in Germany noticed this "Aguirre"- film (... and it`s from 1972 !)
Wierd Folkersma replied to Heidiho:
I saw another documentary about Herzog and Kinsky, a documentary about the making of Fitzcarraldo, another movie of him I like a lot. Was it not that the local indians wanted to murder Kinsky for reasons I cannot remember. Or was it that they proposed Herzog to murder Kinsky for him, because Kinsky had done something stupid to Herzog. Anyhow amazing person this Kinsky.
Sami Serola (inactiv… said:
Heidiho replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:
.... and what about my fine Popol Vuh music ????
.... thanks for the todays coffee !
Heidiho replied to Wierd Folkersma:
When Kinski flipped out again and again, they asked Herzog: "Shall we kill him for you ?"
... but I don`t remember, which film they were just doing (both are playing in Peru ....)
LotharW said:
Heidiho replied to LotharW: