I's just possible to see the old (yellow) lighthouse on Inchkeith Island in the far distance in this photo. The island lies in the midst of the Firth of Forth, midway between Kirkcaldy to the north and Leith to the south. Due to the undulation of the Fife coast it lies substantially closer to Fife rather than Midlothian. In July 1561, Mary, Queen of Scots made Robert Anstruther captain of the island, in succession to the French Captain Lussaignet.She inspected the garrison, and a stone from the original gateway with "MR" (i.e. Maria Regina) and the date still exists, built into a wall below the lighthouse.
The Forth Ports are preparing very ambitious proposals for the creation of Scotland’s largest and best located renewable energy hub on a 175 acre site at the Port of Leith – supporting Scotland’s economic recovery and energy transition plans and the achievement of Scotland’s net zero carbon emissions targets.
This £40m private investment will see the creation of a bespoke, riverside marine berth capable of accommodating the world’s largest offshore wind installation vessels.
Apparently it has been very noisy for the last few weeks due to pile driving.
To find out more about Inchkeith please use this link:
Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Nick Weall said:
Enjoy your weekend ~ I hope that your back & wrist have fully recovered now ~~~
Trevor King said:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
Have a good weekend.
Roger Bennion said:
Gudrun said:
Jocelyne Villoing said: