New Lanark is a village on the River Clyde, approximately 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometres) from Lanark, in Lanarkshire, and some 25 miles (40 km) southeast of Glasgow, Scotland. It was founded in 1785 and opened in 1786 by David Dale, who built cotton mills and housing for the mill workers. We had a fascinating time in this well preserved and functioning village. Two historical homes were also open to the public. The PiP shows the interiors of a worker's home. There is also a trip through one of the the mills with holograms on the walls to indicate what was going on in the area. Very educational.
Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Joe, Son of the Rock said:
Schussentäler said:
Rosalyn Hilborne said:
HFF & good weekend.
Nick Weall said:
Gabi Lombardo said:
Stephan Fey said:
David G Johnson said:
Have a good weekend - keep well - and a ''HFF'' from > David J.
LotharW said:
uwschu said:
tiabunna said:
volker_hmbg said:
Roger (Grisly) said:
It has been noted for a future visit
Wish you a nice Friday and a good weekend.
Trudy Tuinstra said:
Christa1004 said:
Annemarie said:
Happy Friday and weekend!