I went for a walk in the countryside
I left my camera at home.

I think I saw more wildlife and took in more views and spoke longer to people I met.

BUT I would still prefer to have the photographs :-)


Colin Ashcroft said:

I do have a mobile that used to be Smart but now only works for voice and Text. It does have a camera but not sure how easy it would be to get photos from it now.
5 years ago

Amelia said:

But to have the photos you might have missed the wildlife in fact because you were looking trough a lens. And you wouldn't have socialised either. I know what it feels like not to have a camera to hand, but I still enjoy the experience and it's still stored in my memory.
5 years ago

Colin Ashcroft said:

In my experience more people speak to me if I am just carrying binoculars. cameras do put some people off other than other camera users.
5 years ago

Peggy C said:

Enjoyed this POV very much..
5 years ago