7 June 2024 - Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Notes for new members.
It was a task for the Moderator to send an ipermail to new members with useful information. This would inevitably not be at the instant of registration. It also required a decision on who to exclude as likely spammers. The text is now available in our 7 supported languages, as item 1.6 in the FAQ section. We view this as an overall improvement, while accepting the loss of the personal touch. This is mitigated by community being welcoming in their Guestbook, and commenting on initial uploads.

The sub-text on the message says,
"This message remains for another xx days.
Then see bottom of panel on the left."
Although the link is intended to provide access after the main display period has ended, it also allows you to read the notes now.

2) Update: Encouraging guests to become Club Members.
In an attempt to encourage current guests to become Club Members, the programming now matches our Terms of Use. Once a guest reaches 100 images they will not be able to upload more. Previously, they could continue to upload, but the older ones were no longer accessible. The deletion of the excess images was a regular task for the team.

In order to upload further images, a guest will need to either become a club member or delete some of what they have already uploaded.

This update now applies the Terms of Use equitably tor everyone.

3) Our homepage in summer.
The ipernity homepage is our flagship for visitors from the web. With the start of summer, we are now showing summer images of club members. We invite you to enrich the attractiveness of our homepage with suitable new images. Please post them there: Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals.

Currently, we are still showing the images from the 2023 summer season. Please let us know which ones should be kept and which ones should be replaced. Follow this link to watch the images and take part in the corresponding vote afterwards using the link in the description of this YouTube video.

4) In memoria.
Sadly we pass on the news that our long time member Anji passed away in July 2023. Condolences and comments can be made on their in memoria page.

Your ima team.


Jaap van 't Veen said:

8 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex said:

topic 2: I welcome this approach. Friends and relatives of us club members will not be prevented from viewing and commenting on or liking our images if they wish to do so. In future, free riders will have to make for themselves that they have enough space on their account, just like all of us. I welcome the decision that the ima team will no longer spend their precious time cleaning up after them.
8 months ago

Kalli replied to Bergfex:

Volle Zustimmung! ☺
8 months ago ( translate )

Jean-Paul replied to Bergfex:

Guter Kommentar!
8 months ago ( translate )

Eric Desjours replied to :

8 months ago ( translate )

Pearl said:

Hello, Je viens d'effectuer le vote pour les images à conserver pour cet été. Je n'ai pas trouvé la procédure de vote aussi pratique que la dernière fois. Les images défilaient par deux. Lorsque je cochais "sélectionner" le choix s'appliquait aux deux images.
Je m'y suis peut-être mal prise.
A bientôt.
8 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to Pearl:

You did it exactly right. The method of pairwise comparison may take some getting used to, but it is much more reliable than voting with points. This is because it is much easier to choose the superior image when comparing two images. You can read more about the method there:

8 months ago

raingirl replied to :

I also found it confusing. Perhaps the intro words could include something about how one will be comparing sets of 2 images at a time.

The other confusing is to complete the voting and look at the results and see images that I didn't get to vote on.

So for me I find this somewhat annoying that this method doesn't give one the chance to rate all the images. Instead, if I understand correctly, a particular image will be shown randomly to some people and so it ends up that while we are asked to "vote" on the summer images (implying all of them), we really are giving our opinion on some of the images. It has the feel of statistics, and less that you are asking me for my personal opinion.

I read the links, and I understand the concept. I just wouldn't personally choose this option for this situation.
8 months ago

Pearl replied to :

Bien vu et bien compris. J'ai découvert quelque chose de très intéressant. Merci Bernhard
8 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to :

I agree that a few explanatory words would be appropriate, because the method is not so commonly known. The pairwise comparison has the advantage of objectivity and precision, but the disadvantage of complexity. However, the latter is irrelevant if the appropriate software is available, as has now been the case with Poll Unit

As far as the confusion regarding the result is concerned, thank you for the hint insofar as any results shouldn't actually be visible during the voting. On the one hand, to prevent the result from being manipulated, and on the other, because not all image pairs were compared with each other in the initial phase.

I was able to remedy the latter problem immediately by editing the Poll Unit setting accordingly. The first problem, making the method more comprehensible by explaining it, takes some time. But I have already included at least a brief hint in the introductory text to the poll.
8 months ago

Bergfex replied to :

I have now done my best to describe the method clearly. (Perhaps I could have done it shorter, but I would have needed more time.) See: Pairwise Comparison for Photo Evaluation
8 months ago

Team replied to :

Thank you.
8 months ago ( translate )

ROL/Photo said:

8 months ago ( translate )

Sarah O' said:

Hey Ipernity team.... I am about what I see when I go to open my iperniy page. Its all blue in color and I have to sign in every time. I do not understand this !!! Ive been a member of ipernity for a long time. why am I having to see the blue page and sign in each time. what have I done?? please check this and get me back to my page as Ive always done !! thanks. I will watch closely for you to clear this us for me. THANKS VERY MUCH Sarah
8 months ago

Team replied to Sarah O':

After entering your name and password, you need to check the box, "Remember me".
This puts a cookie on your device. So at some point the cookie was cleared, either as a deliberate act through the browser settings, or possibly due to a browser update. Also a new device, or a change of browser, could account for this.
8 months ago