2023-04-07 Club News

Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Outreach support needed (advisory position).
For our club to have a good future, it needs to be better known. Therefore, we need to promote ipernity. There are many ways to do this. Some of them have already been put in place. But we need someone who has a little time to keep these activities alive. New ways of promoting ipernity could also be found.

Advisors would coordinate with the team, but have autonomy to run their own projects. There is no specific time commitment.

Does this pique your interest? Please let the team know!

2) Uploads since ima took over.
Since the transfer of operations to ima on September 1, 2017, almost 3.2 million photos have been added to our photo platform. This is more than 1,500 uploads per day. It is great to see so much activity keeping our site alive.

This is the upload from September 1, 2017, 00:23:21, where we started.

© Alessio Corsi, foresta di vallombrosa, 2017

Where will we go next?

3) Homepage preview.
This new feature is for everyone, but especially for those of you who are interested in suggesting photos for inclusion on the homepage. In the Actions menu you will find a new option called 'Homepage preview'. Whether you are looking at one of your own photos, or one taken by a member, this provides a quick way to check if it is suitable. Perhaps it needs to be cropped to fit the required format, or maybe flipped left to right (mirrored) for the placement of the logo. You will find two buttons to help you check the effect of these two adjustments.

Have fun!

Your ima team.


Bergfex said:

Die Homepage-Vorschau ist genial!
Mein ganz spezieller Dank an Rob, der das ausgetüftelt hat.
Bitte prüft Frühlingsbilder auf Eignung und postet sie hier:
ipernity Homepage - Bildvorschläge

(Andere Motive sind aber auch jederzeit willkommen.)
22 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to Bergfex:

Ich möchte ergänzen:

Die ipernity-Homepage ist eine der in Absatz 1 dieser Nachrichten erwähnten Werbemaßnahmen für unseren Verein. Sie wurde auf mehrheitlichen Wunsch der Gemeinschaft so gestaltet, dass sie eine zeitgemäße, ansprechende Visitenkarte von uns ist.

Unsere Homepage wird mit echten Bildern von euch gefüllt. Diese sollten besonders einladend sein, und vor allem emotional. Es geht nicht um Präsentation, sondern um Werbung!
Anforderungen an Homepage-Bilder

In den vergangenen 5 Jahren habe ich fast 500 Bilder von euch für die Homepage finalisiert. Eine Zusammenstellung der noch gültigen 235 letzten Bilder findet ihr hier:
Gruppe: Ipernity Homepage - akzeptierte Bilder

Die in einer Saison laufenden Bilder kann man vier Alben anzuschauen:
Saisonale Alben mit Homepage-Bildern (Dort könnt ihr euch inspirieren lassen.)

Es wurde gewünscht, dass nur Bilder von aktiven Club-Mitgliedern gezeigt werden. Jährlich wird ein Drittel der Bilder erneuert.

Danke für eure Mithilfe!
22 months ago ( translate )

Jaap van 't Veen said:

Knap werk Rob.
22 months ago ( translate )

Fred Fouarge said:

goed gedaan Rob
22 months ago ( translate )

Bergfex replied to :

Eine weitere Werbemaßnahme (siehe Absatz 1) sind Clips von uns bei YouTube, der größten Content-Suchmaschine der Welt.

Ihr findet alle bisher veröffentlichten Clips von ipernity-Mitgliedern hier:
Liste unserer YouTube-Clips

Alternativ könnt ihr euch auch direkt in den YouTube-Kanal unseres Vereins schauen:
Ipernity photo club on YouTube

QR code for the ip channel on YouTube

Bitte abonniert den Kanal. Gebt den Clips ein Like. Dadurch erhöht ihr die Relevanz unserer Beiträge. Sie erscheinen dann weiter vorne bei den Treffern, wenn jemand bei YouTube nach folgenden Stichworten sucht:

photo club
photo sharing

Auch ohne den in Absatz 1 dieser Nachrichten gesuchten Berater könnt ihr jederzeit mithelfen, diese Werbemaßnahme auszubauen. Die Erstellung kleiner Slide-Shows ist nicht schwierig. Es gibt ein ausführlich bebildertes Tutorial:
How To Create A YouTube Picture Show Easily

Helft mit! Es macht nicht viel Arbeit, aber viel Freude!
22 months ago ( translate )

Boarischa Krautmo said:

very well done, Rob!
22 months ago

GrahamH said:

I have found resistance toIpernity by people who don't look at our photos because their browser tells them, incorrectly, that the site is dangerous. What would the cost be to upgrade the code so this doesn't happen?
22 months ago

Team replied to GrahamH:

Hi Graham

This has been neglected for a long time as we had gained the impression that it was too difficult. Also that we could manage with only a few critical pages being secure, except for the important implication that you point out.

Two options we will explore:
a) We can ask Qwellcode for advice. Maybe it was labour intensive rather than being difficult.
b) Or without any editing of ipernity software, Cloudfare might be used, here are their prices.
22 months ago

*ઇଓ* said:

Fortunately, after Bernhard's call, some of you spontaneously suggested photos for the group Ipernity Home Page - Picture Proposals, but once again ignored important details, although Bernhard again pointed out the layout guidelines and emphasized the emotional factor that is so important for advertising photos.

Our photos for this group serve to advertise our platform, as Bernhard makes also clear once again in his comment.

Therefore, also from me at this point a request:

Please no photos of alcohol or other drugs!

Edited May 3, 2023
Clarification: A photo was proposed for ipernity's home page showing brand names and a questionable way of advertising alcohol.

Every photo should have an eye-catcher on the right side, which immediately appeals to the internet visitor.

• And once again: Please remember that a photo for this group should be particularly inviting and, above all, emotionally touching!

A very happy Easter to the team and to the community!
22 months ago

Marko Novosel said:

There is a lot o photography blogs,some really have gained popularity,also there are photograhic sites like dpreview,etc..
Before a few years i tried to make contact with couple of them and manage to get with one,person contacted me back and said she will push our story to the board meeting..i was excited and waiting but unfortunatelly..nothing,probably there was no interest of publishing our story.
Maybe this can be one of the ways to gain more visibility.
Most of this sites and blogs have emails on or a way to contact them,there is always a way,it will not be easy cause we cant offer moniz or something similar and even if we got it,its stupid to spend it like this so what we have is our charm and our really one of a kind story.
22 months ago

Ned said:

Unfortunately, Amazon bought dpreview.com and now there have been layoffs and the site is scheduled to close soon after more than 25 years. :( But it is still a good idea to attempt to promote Ipernity on sites for photographers.
22 months ago

Marko Novosel replied to Ned:

dpreview will close..i cant believe it..weird things happening with phoography these days.
22 months ago

Bergfex said:

This is exactly what the group Promoting ipernity is about.

Would you take up the thread and start some corresponding initiatives? Maybe together with Marco?
22 months ago

Marko Novosel replied to Bergfex:

Hey Bern,i will contact Ned with email and talk with him,we can try to do something,if dpreview is going down..god knows how long Flickr will be up.
22 months ago

Bergfex said:

Ich freue mich darüber, dass auch die neuen Mitglieder sich schon in unser Clubgeschehen einbringen:

ipernity homepage with #1516
22 months ago ( translate )