Last Saturday, March 25th, 2023 the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2022. The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results:
● Agenda of the 2023 IGA
● Participants in the 2023 IGA
● President's report on 2022
● Treasurer's report on 2022
● Annual financial report for 2022
● Minutes of the 2023 IGA
● The newly-elected Board of the Association
Our Vice-president board position was not filled during this year's IGA. As this position's main responsibility is to promote our club's website, it is a crucial one for the future of our club. So even though the IGA is over, we ask that anyone interested in learning about this board position reach out to the team.
We would like to thank Stefan Roßkopf for his devotion, time and energy as webmaster - keeping our servers up and running for the last two years. Also, his willingness to continue supporting our server needs as executive advisor is greatly appreciated. The shortness of our downtimes has been in great part due to his vigilance and availability.
We would also like to thank our Cash Auditors and Data Protection Officer of the last year, and wish Rainer Luitjenslong the best as he moves out of the Cash Auditor position.
And finally we would also like to thank our team of advisors. These essential people often work in the background supporting the ima board and our club's website. They accomplish things the board doesn't have time for and also help with suggestions and weighing in on decisions. Advisors are significant to our club's smooth running and every member who has stepped up to be an advisor has helped make our club a better place.
We look forward to serving you as the new Association Board and appreciate the trust you have placed in us. We wish you a safe, healthy and prosperous Spring/Autumn season ahead (depending on where you live).
Your 'new' ima team
William, Corinne, Laura, Rob
Malik Raoulda said:
Fred Fouarge said:
PascalL said:
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… said:
Jaap van 't Veen said:
Günter Klaus said:
Heide said:
Kalli said:
und viel Erfolg dem neuen Team!
*ઇଓ* said:
Eunice Perkins said:
Daniela said:
Colin Ashcroft said:
aNNa schramm said:
Andreas Müller said:
Ich habe großen Respekt den Mitgliedern gegenüber, die sich im Vorstand von ipernity engagieren.
Meinen herzlichen Dank dafür und weiterhin eine glückliche Hand zum Wohle für alle Mittglieder...
@ngélique ❤️ said: