I just love the sound of theorbo!
Every now and then I check through the YouTube recommendations. Today I discovered Elizabeth Kenny introducing the baroque theorbo.


Amelia said:

A lot of tuning to be done. Very interesting, Sami, thank you.
6 years ago

Stormlizard said:

An interesting instrumant Sami.
6 years ago ( translate )

Peggy C said:

Beautiful sounds... thanks, Sami
6 years ago

Esther said:

It is a beautiful instrument, although not easy to hold or transport.
6 years ago

Marko Novosel said:

haha,this is weird Sami..you tube also gave me this video in the stream,went to my friend later and we listen to Theorbo all night,Christina Pluhar is also great musician..
The sound of it is so interesting,between cymbalo,harph and bass.
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Marko Novosel:

I think it is the bass sounds that makes this so appealing. Sort of a "Swiss knife" instrument.
6 years ago