I need to get out of my comfort zone!

'Why BAD Photographers THINK They're Good' by Jamie Windsor

And if you like what you see, then visit Youtube to like, share and describe.


Gudrun said:

So true, but not always easy to move out of one's comfort zone;) At least I can say that I'm heartily ashamed of many of my old photos;-)
6 years ago

Clickity Click replied to Gudrun:

Oh Gudrun, we probably feel the same way but how else do we learn how much we have grown unless we do branch out or as in my case, a former group contact who really pushed me (gently) into other areas. I think our old photos are a good indication of our progress from our comfort zone. :)))
6 years ago

Boarischa Krautmo said:

oh, Dunning-Kruger ;-)
6 years ago

Boarischa Krautmo replied to Boarischa Krautmo:

does Dunning-Kruger apply to video-bloggers, too? ;-)))))))))))))))))))
6 years ago

Gudrun replied to :

Indeed, comparing older and newer photos I see quite a dfference. Sometimes I come across other photographers' work who have started out with me 10 years ago on Panoramio. A few of them haven't developed one yota in all the time!
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

Well, after watching another video by Jamie Windsor, it seems to be a question of repetition and practice: youtu.be/s34VfNHN4Jw

But one should also indeed try to get not only out of one's comfort zone, but also out of the box and try new things.

I don't claim shooting just flowers would be a bad thing, but taking some side steps every now and then can make one as a better flower photographer.
6 years ago