I love Air!

Air are a French electronic music duo from Versailles, France, consisting of Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel. They have very unique style, I think.


Amelia said:

Fascinating with the simple repetition, rhythm and the variations.
6 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Amelia:

Yes, I would have mentioned them many times on my photos already, if only they had made any of their music available at SoundCloud. Even this video is probably not "official". Maybe they have something made available at Deezer. I need to find out next time I feel "airy" =D
6 years ago

Stormlizard said:

Very special Sami.
6 years ago ( translate )

Taormina said:

Ohne zu wissen wer sie Inspiriert... man hört bei ihnen
auch Jean Michel Jarre und Tangerine Dream heraus...
aber das ist genau so als würde man sagen das alle Farben gleich sind.
Tut es natürlich nicht... man muss ja Inspirationen und auch "Vorbilder" haben.
Synthie Pop kommt auch nie aus der Mode... man nennt ihn nur anders ;))
6 years ago ( translate )

Peggy C said:

Love Love that Loop !
6 years ago

Peggy C replied to Peggy C:

Congas add that 'earthy' feel ..

Thanks, Sami ..
6 years ago

Au Cœur... diagonalh… said:

do you know this one my friend.............. >
6 years ago