How to refresh Facebook share (revised)
In case you need to refresh (update) your ipernity post shared at Facebook, here is what to do. On Facebook post click the menu button marked with three dots and choose 'Refresh share attachment' option. It then refreshes the attached title, caption and image. You may have to repeat this once or twice for the image.

Gredits to DOMCHO for this information.

Here are some examples what can happen, and when refreshing is needed.

Errors on title and caption

If you published some"wrong information" on ipernity and then shared it on Facebook, then correcting the mistake and sharing again does not change the preview on Facebook. Instead Facebook remembers all that was included to some previously shared URL address and use the previously shared preview.

Sharing private keep on looking as private

If you try to share something to Facebook that you set as private at ipernity, you get preview saying the content is private. If you then try to fix it by changing the content public at ipernity, and then try to share it again to Facebook, the stored preview does not become corrected. Facebook still remembers the stored and indexed preview for that URL. Publish the post anyway, and then refresh the attachment at Facebook.

Image updated after share

If you later on update the image that you have shared at Facebook, the image indexed by Facebook still remains the same.


Sami Serola (inactiv… said:

Here is an example what happened on one case:

I first made an attempt to share the previous version of that image and page, but then cancelled the process. Next I edited the title and and also the image (added bokeh effect on Picmonkey).

Then I shared the content to Facebook, which now did not connect any image to that share, and still recalls the old title.
7 years ago

Stormlizard replied to Sami Serola (inactiv…:

Far better is to never share on Facebook.
7 years ago

DOMCHO said:

Pour facebook il y a la possibilité d'actualiser l'aperçu pour corriger le problème
7 years ago ( translate )

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to DOMCHO:

Thanks for the information, Dominique. I'll see if I manage to find it.
7 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

I manage to update the title, but on my example case the image is still missing.
7 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

Second try seemed to refresh also the image. Thank you very much, Dominique.

And this exactly why I think we should start to use articles to help each others to solve problems like these. If we start using keywords, then people can seek help and find solution together.
7 years ago

DOMCHO replied to :

Hello, après avoir cliqué sur les 3 points °°°
7 years ago ( translate )

Moderator said:

Thanks Sami.. it cured the Help Ticket I was working on !

(Pam in "fancy dress" as IMA !!!)
7 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to :

Merci beaucoup, Dominique.

I updated the article accordingly. Happy New Year.
7 years ago