Seeing in 3D with just one eye

Several times I have mentioned a trick to view two dimensional images with one eye only. This trick may then help to experience the depth on a picture. But the trick does not work for everyone.

I recently discovered an interesting study on the subject, and there it was found the ability to see depth in the two dimensional image increases when the image is viewed through a small hole.

And yes, it worked for me. So, cut a small (approximately 1 cm) hole in the cardboard, and peek through it with one eye, and you may feel the depth on two dimensional image.


Seeing in 3D with just one eye (study questions and answers)


Amelia said:

I'll give this a try.Sami, especially as the research is done in St.Andrews which is where I used to live.
7 years ago

Peggy C said:

Fascinating -- will give it a shot also !
7 years ago

Marko Novosel said:

hm,not sure does it work for me,those 3d movies are also not working right,its different from person to person.
That photo of yours reminded me on "camera obscura",i will build it one day. ;)
7 years ago

Sami Serola (inactiv… replied to Marko Novosel:

Here's my attempt to use a DSLR camera body as a pinhole camera ;-)
Pinhole camera...
7 years ago

DOMCHO said:

Hello, je pense qu'il faut être déjà en possession d'une vision binoculaire au départ pour que ça marche, perso ayant perdu la vue d'un œil depuis 15ans( me reste 1/20ème) avec une vision au travers un trou ça ne change rien. Par contre au quotidien on compense par balayage de l’œil et un peu de la tête pour créer un décalage angulaire suffisant pour se créer un pseudo relief... Ou ça se complique c'est avec les objets en mouvements difficile a bien repéré dans l'espace, la persistance rétinienne sur un seul œil est un facteur défavorable on arrive pas a faire un suivi de l'objet ,un peu comme un déplacement vu en lumière stroboscopique
7 years ago ( translate )