Having more MP doesn't give you better shots

... from this Vegitill's post: www.ipernity.com/blog/14831/28793

Take a look to the 6mpixel.org site.

A more correct statement of this post title would be: having more MP doesn't give you better shots if the sensor size remains the same!

To have a more precise digitalization of a scene, having more pixels isn't sufficient; you have to have a corresponding increase of the sensor size or a better quality of the sensor sensibility; without those conditions, you will only capture more thermal noise: this is what I can understand from their site and what I can subscribe.


ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… replied to :

Absolutly. I love my old 2 MP - Cam (from 2001) cause in some situations it produce quite better photos than my actual one (with 5 MP). Mostly there is no reason for just looking at the MP - it's quite the same like speakers - the companies print "Max 50.000 Watt" on it and then it sounds like an blowing arsh...
Seen in kiezkicker home page (?)
17 years ago

Jason Elkins said:

thank you for posting this, i had no idea.
17 years ago